The cornerstone of the teacher in the educational process and can not be any change or development in the learning process , but the development of the teacher , and the teacher here is the development of all aspects of essential step if we are to successfully use e-learning , which is the so-called professional development for teachers
Considered UNESCO teacher preparation strategy to face the crisis of education in the contemporary world ; therefore deepen the teaching profession and develop for him to be levied prepared prepared an integrated , academically and professionally and culturally also require the development of educationally to enable it to interact creator with the requirements of specialization and developments era technology.Accordingly, the issue has occupied the preparation of teachers and support them in their professional growth and physical processes leading position in educational planning for the Ministry of Education in all countries of the world , turned up the training of teachers and administrators to professional development sustainable.Defines professional development as " development process constructivism continuous participatory targeting teachers and other workers in the field of education to change and develop their performance , and their practices , and their skills , knowledge and competencies , educational, technical , administrative and moral ." Has been translated this concept to the objectives of the system are as follows:1 . Develop a culture of entrepreneurship in the educational institution .2 . Upgrading the performance of teachers and other workers in the field of education .3 . Improve the chances of scientific excellence and academic achievement for learners .4 . Raising the productive efficiency of the educational institution .5 . Positive changes in the behavior and attitudes of teachers and other workers in the teaching-learning process in the field of education .6 . Opportunities for talented and creative people to be included and career advancement .7 . Improve teaching-learning process .8 . Establish the principle of self-learning and continuing to ensure the sustainability of development and educational development .9 . Achieve job satisfaction for teachers and other workers in the field of education .10 . Deepening sense of professional workers in the field of education .11 . Building national capacities capable of meeting the overall development in the state.12 . Professional development fellowship .Has imposed transitions and contemporary challenges teachers to continue to develop themselves and the process is done through :A - free readings :The free readings where is the means that enable the teacher to follow the flow of knowledge and keep abreast of the information revolution enormous .B - in-service training :The concept of in-service training is linked to the concept of continuing education or lifelong learning , and the overall objectives of in-service training :1 . Interest in the community and its culture and its problems and studied conscious analysis and in-depth analysis of its objectives .2 . Interest in science and scientific thinking and empirical research .3 . Interest in the scientific aspects and understand the value of education professional .4 . Attention to the problems of the Arab world and the basic economic and social development.5 . Emphasis on all that would prepare productive citizens .6 . Stimulate teachers to continuous professional growth .7 . Deep understanding of the educational process and the nature of the learning process .8 . Taking out the constructive criticism and proficiency evaluations.9 . Estimation of social relations and working with groups .Principles and foundations of the policy of teacher training :Of the principles and foundations of the policy of teacher training :1 . Training to be a teacher after graduating ongoing training .2 . Training that addresses the adequacy of the applied scientific aspects .3 . To plan the content of the training program , and determine the way the light to determine the levels of competence required .C - loops and social research faculty :According to the research seminars of teachers in the exchange of information and perspectives and enriches the cognitive aspects of teachers on an ongoing basis and on the basis of a positive , and educators can customize any material deadline League to hold those episodes research to remedy what may face problems .D - studies of complementary regenerative :Seeks innovative complementary studies to complete the studies teacher or get more of them after graduating from institutions of preparation.E - conferences and seminars :Participate in conferences and seminars to help the teacher continued growth , through what he suffered from topics dealing with issues of different educational .G - Education correspondence :Depends on the postal correspondence and includes many of the most important elements of educational materials and educational experiences that are meant to give them the individuals who benefit from this method is the preparation of such materials prepared special .H - and the mass media :The mass media play an important role in the professional growth of teachers as contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and ideas between members of the community as well as to clarify a lot of things as they see large sections of the masses of the society in different ages and to the objectives of the community and introduces teachers among these , of course, in addition to what they offer and the means of communication .New aspects of the role of the teacher in the light of e-learning :As well as the changing role of the teacher because of the changes the new educational imposed by the Planetary and rapid developments and the revolution in communications and information technology and scientific progress and technological development and the emergence of a number of educational theories new that makes the learner at the center of the educational process and the teacher's guide and prompt paramount importance , namely, that his role multiple aspects depending on what you add innovations educational which is a mirror of changes of scientific , technological and economic secreted by the new world order as the local system is part of the global system. That is not easy to determine which aspects of the roles of the teacher must be performed because it is renewable and constantly changing , plus they tangled with each other and complement each other , the teacher has to perform more than one side at a time .The following is an explanation of these new aspects of the role of the teacher :1 - along with the coordination and advancement of knowledge :Is this aspect of the teacher in coordination between the various sources of knowledge available on the internet and courses classrooms taught by bringing to the sites of knowledge related to his specialty , and then determines what proportion of them to Topics lessons that stick out with his students , or the participation of students in planning for their content classroom activities and educational and non- classroom so that combining the subject matter to be in the textbook and what add sites knowledge about this subject , and then work on the preparation studied in a way that the consistency in the knowledge that wants his students to be earned .2 - along with the development of thinking skills :Of the most important aspects of the role that the teacher his performance in the light of scientific progress is taken care of teaching students how to think and to train them on ways of thinking and acquire skills so that they can make their way successfully Faalmanm patterns of sound thinking through a reconsideration of the teaching methods followed by attention to using the tools of basic thinking and learning models to solve problems and meet the challenges secreted by the fact and deal with the real problems .3 - Besides providing descriptive environment enhanced learning:I squeezed the teacher's role in the transfer of knowledge , thanks to technology and focused its responsibility to create the students to learn through the organization of the classroom environment supportive of education , and to achieve a formula for the interaction between the learner's hand and sources of learning on the other hand , The teacher uses the best methods to achieve the learning environment in the classroom working on the development of understanding and flexibility mental , and help to use the information effectively to solve problems and encourage awareness of the concepts that help to integrate their knowledge and experience of humanity.4 - along with the recruitment of Information Technology in Education :The information technology do not mean to minimize the importance of canned , or indispensable as some imagine , but dealing in fact add a new aspect in the role , and must for this aspect that varies depending on the task of education , from the collection of knowledge to the development of basic skills , and give the student the ability to learn self- .The fact that the teacher's role in the hiring of information technology in education allow him to overcome the problem of the rigidity of the course content and presentation of the material teaching more effectively , and that the employment of information technology on the part of the teacher provides educational services better , and gives him more time to guide his students discover their talents , and to identify the weaknesses . It will also work on the development of mental skills in students , and increase their ability to think systematically and urging them to abstract thinking and makes them more aware of how they think and learn through it.5 - along with individualized instruction :As a result of studies and educational psychology , which showed variation capacity and concerns , it turns out that each student speed , especially in learning , and that each student is different from the other in his abilities physical, mental, emotional , and that every student needs to learn fits the nature of growth and place , prompting the need for individualized instruction to suit each student , and the individualized instruction a difficult process in our schools in the past , but at the present time can now teacher to practice individualized instruction with the help of educational technology and information technology , where students sit at computers in groups or individuals to learn through CDs (CDS) multimedia , and circles Knowledge interactive within the classroom , and in this way acquires learning individual character .6 - Teacher Researcher :The teacher should be working as a researcher and to be relevant to the ongoing and renewed with each new in his field , and in the methods of teaching , and what occurs to the community of the developments , and that remains a student of the science of what he can, privy to everything that goes on in his community , regional and global innovations , so that it can meet the needs of students from various inquiries , and extend to them a helping hand as he closes them and to lead them to the light of science and knowledge , and to become a model teacher in the abundance of his knowledge. Prior to his students to achieve self-learning that it achieves this , in itself, self-learning , and to develop itself down .7 - along with tying the school community :Society is mainly important bases upon which to build the curriculum , foundation of the existence of the school is the community's desire to prepare individuals good for him, school is a social institution created by the community to prepare the individual good for this community , and as the goals of education is derived from the philosophy of the community , the school curriculum , and the teachers and everyone who works on school work to achieve these educational goals .Therefore, the role of the teacher is taught by linking to his students as there are in society , any employment of what these students are learning the information , skills and experience in their social lives .8 - along with preservation of Islamic culture with access to global knowledge :To the teacher this role , you must distinguish between the two methods in education , education in order to maintain what exists (Maintenance Instruction), and education for renewal (Innovative Instruction), Education conservative important and indispensable , but it is no longer enough , and became Education for renewal and look to the future a vital requirement if it is to the people of this age will face what his future holds challenges and burdens and afford the rapid changes of surprises .And withstand these challenges requires adherence to Islamic culture, creed , language and values ??and morals and achievement , and to invite the Muslim Ummah to read Islam correctly read through the principles inherent and eternal values ??, and update the Islamic culture and the link between them and the issues of the day and to maintain the privacy of identity with the utilization of the knowledge global useful and coexist with multiculturalism within this global village is the duty of education done by the teacher who must instill in his students adhere to the Islamic culture and pride in the cultural heritage and social development of the Islamic nation , and respect for other cultures , and that Aaudhm self-confidence and accept the opinions of others , and the budget deal and the transaction between the elements of the internal influence and elements and the introduction of external influence and the best is beneficial .9 - along with care in the methods of evaluation :Calendar process is indispensable in teaching , it aims to make a judgment on the academic achievement of the student and managed to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses in the learning process , and thus help to make the appropriate decisions on amending the plan of study or teaching methods , and so decisions. Has been adopted and the Ministry of Education this year continuous assessment in the upper grades of elementary school to continue with the student and is based on several methods in Calendar need to be a teacher skilled in the methods and tools , methods and taking into account the individual differences among his disciples and educational conditions and can analyze the results and then employ the results of the analysis in the construction activities therapeutic .10 - along with non- classroom activity :The activity is the classroom a major part in the educational process , as it helps build the student's personality and develop psychologically , socially and scientifically , technically and physically , is also a mainstay in modern education is a way to enrich the curriculum through the management students of the components of their environment in order to give the expertise knowledge and skills and values ??in a manner directly , as well as strengthening the aspects of the educational studied by students in theory courses and translated into actions and behavior , which requires giving activity is classroom appropriate attention from planning, implementation, and evaluation of all those involved in education , including the teacher , who is the main role in this area .11 - along with the consolidation of patriotism and belonging to the students :Patriotism and a sense of belonging and loyalty to him and to fulfill the rights of the most important values ??that broadcasts in students and entrenched in them since childhood . Teacher and a great role in the consolidation of patriotism and belonging to the students , where are grown in them feelings of love and loyalty to this country , and urging them to be careful and defend it against every aggressor Ethan .12 - Teacher's farewell to the faith in God Almighty :Means faith in God firm belief that God is the Almighty Creator of all things , and it is the Almighty who deserves alone that worships perfection of worship , and the teacher to develop in students the belief in God Almighty alone is not a partner and develop also in them the love of the Messenger Prophet Muhammad Allah peace be upon him God has commanded us to do so and be love to follow what it says to stay away from God and what He has forbidden.If settled in the heart of this faith pupil , who was armed with his gun in the face of conflicts of life : ( Say will not happen to us except what God is our God and Maulana Fletokl believers ) ( Repentance , No 51) .
It also freed the pupil of the tendencies of self and Bibliography demons and temptations of this world . Grows inside conscience which makes it quite believe that God is with him at all times and anywhere , and this emphasizes the need for attention to the spiritual and faith of learners and instill positive values ??they have, if what KUNA young believer in God , stick to religion and adopting the role required him to build his homeland and nation , easy avoided many of the social ills , so the development of this faith and instill values ??is part of the most important aspects of the teacher's performance , because a society without values ??Kzra unfruitful.13 - farewell to teacher tolerance :One of the goals of education in the Kingdom aiming at the formation individuals believers to live in a society believer does not treatment among its members on the culpability and accountability , and the victory of the self and fairness in all big and small , but it is a transaction between individuals on tolerance and condoning and forgiveness and patience. This is called the doctrine of Islam , and urged upon the Qur'an in the verse: ( not equated good nor bad Repel is better if that between you and him the enmity of like a guardian intimate { 34 } and meted out only those who are patient and meted out only with great luck ) ( Surat separated , verses 34-35 ) .And the language of tolerance must be learned by the student from childhood until Jasper on tolerance and respect for others . If the family played a major role in this field , the role of the school is not as important as the role of the family , and here comes the role of the teacher in the development of the value of tolerance among students.14 - Teacher's farewell to peace :Peace an important place in Islam , and in the balance of education is indispensable in trying to achieve the values ??of peace , freedom and social justice, and the hope for a more harmonious development of humanity and depth to the exclusion of the specter of war and tensions and bring peace instead.The teacher role models and Kdai peace to feel his students safe , love and appreciation for themselves and others , and reminds them that peace in the power needed protected , and without this force could turn to surrender has commanded our religion to be people of peace , he said the Almighty God : ( And if they incline to peace , incline and trust in God ) ( Al-Anfal , from verse 61)As commanded by the Almighty to prepare for war, all we can of power , the Almighty said : (and prepared them all you can of power, including steeds terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy ) ( Al-Anfal , from verse 60 . (This is part of the force that must be prepared to , in addition to the personal power and the power of faith and the power of social cohesion : ( Hold on to God and be not divided among yourselves ) ( Surah Al-Imran , verse 103 . (15 - Teacher's farewell to the work :Work is human life human being without a job is not the life for him, and I have ordered the Almighty God to work in the verse ( say work soon will Allah observe your work and His Messenger and the believers ) ( Sura , verse 105 ) .And a century of God Almighty between faith and work in many verses of the Quran , where the Almighty says ( those who believe and do good deeds ) ( Sura , verse 30) .Roy and that Saad bin Maaz - may Allah be pleased with him - it was Yoweri his hands on his clothes whenever met with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said the Prophet to him: O Saad not want to hand over Ali ? Saad said : By Allah, O Messenger of Allah , there is nothing dearer to me than that , but I fear that my hands hurt your hands , said to him, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : Show me your hands , O Saad , Saad , waving Kevin Khcnin Kkhva beast of too much work . Verwahma Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him before them to his mouth and said : "This is the hand he loves Allah and His Messenger will never fire affecting them ." And here comes the role of the teacher in achieving the call to action , and the consolidation of its value and its importance in the hearts of his students .16 - Besides teaching students the language of dialogue :Is to teach students how to dialogue with other important aspects of the role of the teacher where trains students to use words that allow communion with the ideas of others , through the use of teaching methods different Kaltalm Cooperative and others, and we mean these words are likely , it is possible , it seems that , perhaps , Do you have a different opinion ... Etc. , and also teaches his students not to be Ahaddei vision, so students learn by behaviorally important in their lives .The development of professional competence necessary for the performance aspects of the role of the teacher :To the teacher aspects of previous roles efficiently and effectively must be enjoyed with sufficient capacity and skills of educational or professional , which represents the utmost importance to the effectiveness of teaching and raise the efficiency of the performance of the teacher role assigned to it fully .General characteristics for the development of competencies teacher performance :We have characterized the performance of the teacher development programs based on the core competencies of the following characteristics :
Educational goals predetermined and known to all participants in the program.
The organization of what is intended to learn on the basis of consecutive elements and connected to each other.
Accurately define what is meant learned with respect to each element .
Converting the responsibility of learning from the teacher to the learner , are learning on the basis of the speed of the learner himself and his needs , and interests .
Participation of teachers in determining the competencies to be rehearsed .
The use of educational technology integration of the idea and practice in the field of education .
Provide the learner the feedback during the learning process .
Criteria for evaluating the skills and clear , and determine levels of proficiency assessments and information to the instructor and the trainee in advance .
Calendar depends on the teacher competences calendar her performance as a criterion for his mastery of the adequacy taking into account the theoretical knowledge he has .
Calendar depends on the teacher training program to become proficient enough in a behavioral phenomenon, not restricted to a timetable
Considered UNESCO teacher preparation strategy to face the crisis of education in the contemporary world ; therefore deepen the teaching profession and develop for him to be levied prepared prepared an integrated , academically and professionally and culturally also require the development of educationally to enable it to interact creator with the requirements of specialization and developments era technology.Accordingly, the issue has occupied the preparation of teachers and support them in their professional growth and physical processes leading position in educational planning for the Ministry of Education in all countries of the world , turned up the training of teachers and administrators to professional development sustainable.Defines professional development as " development process constructivism continuous participatory targeting teachers and other workers in the field of education to change and develop their performance , and their practices , and their skills , knowledge and competencies , educational, technical , administrative and moral ." Has been translated this concept to the objectives of the system are as follows:1 . Develop a culture of entrepreneurship in the educational institution .2 . Upgrading the performance of teachers and other workers in the field of education .3 . Improve the chances of scientific excellence and academic achievement for learners .4 . Raising the productive efficiency of the educational institution .5 . Positive changes in the behavior and attitudes of teachers and other workers in the teaching-learning process in the field of education .6 . Opportunities for talented and creative people to be included and career advancement .7 . Improve teaching-learning process .8 . Establish the principle of self-learning and continuing to ensure the sustainability of development and educational development .9 . Achieve job satisfaction for teachers and other workers in the field of education .10 . Deepening sense of professional workers in the field of education .11 . Building national capacities capable of meeting the overall development in the state.12 . Professional development fellowship .Has imposed transitions and contemporary challenges teachers to continue to develop themselves and the process is done through :A - free readings :The free readings where is the means that enable the teacher to follow the flow of knowledge and keep abreast of the information revolution enormous .B - in-service training :The concept of in-service training is linked to the concept of continuing education or lifelong learning , and the overall objectives of in-service training :1 . Interest in the community and its culture and its problems and studied conscious analysis and in-depth analysis of its objectives .2 . Interest in science and scientific thinking and empirical research .3 . Interest in the scientific aspects and understand the value of education professional .4 . Attention to the problems of the Arab world and the basic economic and social development.5 . Emphasis on all that would prepare productive citizens .6 . Stimulate teachers to continuous professional growth .7 . Deep understanding of the educational process and the nature of the learning process .8 . Taking out the constructive criticism and proficiency evaluations.9 . Estimation of social relations and working with groups .Principles and foundations of the policy of teacher training :Of the principles and foundations of the policy of teacher training :1 . Training to be a teacher after graduating ongoing training .2 . Training that addresses the adequacy of the applied scientific aspects .3 . To plan the content of the training program , and determine the way the light to determine the levels of competence required .C - loops and social research faculty :According to the research seminars of teachers in the exchange of information and perspectives and enriches the cognitive aspects of teachers on an ongoing basis and on the basis of a positive , and educators can customize any material deadline League to hold those episodes research to remedy what may face problems .D - studies of complementary regenerative :Seeks innovative complementary studies to complete the studies teacher or get more of them after graduating from institutions of preparation.E - conferences and seminars :Participate in conferences and seminars to help the teacher continued growth , through what he suffered from topics dealing with issues of different educational .G - Education correspondence :Depends on the postal correspondence and includes many of the most important elements of educational materials and educational experiences that are meant to give them the individuals who benefit from this method is the preparation of such materials prepared special .H - and the mass media :The mass media play an important role in the professional growth of teachers as contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and ideas between members of the community as well as to clarify a lot of things as they see large sections of the masses of the society in different ages and to the objectives of the community and introduces teachers among these , of course, in addition to what they offer and the means of communication .New aspects of the role of the teacher in the light of e-learning :As well as the changing role of the teacher because of the changes the new educational imposed by the Planetary and rapid developments and the revolution in communications and information technology and scientific progress and technological development and the emergence of a number of educational theories new that makes the learner at the center of the educational process and the teacher's guide and prompt paramount importance , namely, that his role multiple aspects depending on what you add innovations educational which is a mirror of changes of scientific , technological and economic secreted by the new world order as the local system is part of the global system. That is not easy to determine which aspects of the roles of the teacher must be performed because it is renewable and constantly changing , plus they tangled with each other and complement each other , the teacher has to perform more than one side at a time .The following is an explanation of these new aspects of the role of the teacher :1 - along with the coordination and advancement of knowledge :Is this aspect of the teacher in coordination between the various sources of knowledge available on the internet and courses classrooms taught by bringing to the sites of knowledge related to his specialty , and then determines what proportion of them to Topics lessons that stick out with his students , or the participation of students in planning for their content classroom activities and educational and non- classroom so that combining the subject matter to be in the textbook and what add sites knowledge about this subject , and then work on the preparation studied in a way that the consistency in the knowledge that wants his students to be earned .2 - along with the development of thinking skills :Of the most important aspects of the role that the teacher his performance in the light of scientific progress is taken care of teaching students how to think and to train them on ways of thinking and acquire skills so that they can make their way successfully Faalmanm patterns of sound thinking through a reconsideration of the teaching methods followed by attention to using the tools of basic thinking and learning models to solve problems and meet the challenges secreted by the fact and deal with the real problems .3 - Besides providing descriptive environment enhanced learning:I squeezed the teacher's role in the transfer of knowledge , thanks to technology and focused its responsibility to create the students to learn through the organization of the classroom environment supportive of education , and to achieve a formula for the interaction between the learner's hand and sources of learning on the other hand , The teacher uses the best methods to achieve the learning environment in the classroom working on the development of understanding and flexibility mental , and help to use the information effectively to solve problems and encourage awareness of the concepts that help to integrate their knowledge and experience of humanity.4 - along with the recruitment of Information Technology in Education :The information technology do not mean to minimize the importance of canned , or indispensable as some imagine , but dealing in fact add a new aspect in the role , and must for this aspect that varies depending on the task of education , from the collection of knowledge to the development of basic skills , and give the student the ability to learn self- .The fact that the teacher's role in the hiring of information technology in education allow him to overcome the problem of the rigidity of the course content and presentation of the material teaching more effectively , and that the employment of information technology on the part of the teacher provides educational services better , and gives him more time to guide his students discover their talents , and to identify the weaknesses . It will also work on the development of mental skills in students , and increase their ability to think systematically and urging them to abstract thinking and makes them more aware of how they think and learn through it.5 - along with individualized instruction :As a result of studies and educational psychology , which showed variation capacity and concerns , it turns out that each student speed , especially in learning , and that each student is different from the other in his abilities physical, mental, emotional , and that every student needs to learn fits the nature of growth and place , prompting the need for individualized instruction to suit each student , and the individualized instruction a difficult process in our schools in the past , but at the present time can now teacher to practice individualized instruction with the help of educational technology and information technology , where students sit at computers in groups or individuals to learn through CDs (CDS) multimedia , and circles Knowledge interactive within the classroom , and in this way acquires learning individual character .6 - Teacher Researcher :The teacher should be working as a researcher and to be relevant to the ongoing and renewed with each new in his field , and in the methods of teaching , and what occurs to the community of the developments , and that remains a student of the science of what he can, privy to everything that goes on in his community , regional and global innovations , so that it can meet the needs of students from various inquiries , and extend to them a helping hand as he closes them and to lead them to the light of science and knowledge , and to become a model teacher in the abundance of his knowledge. Prior to his students to achieve self-learning that it achieves this , in itself, self-learning , and to develop itself down .7 - along with tying the school community :Society is mainly important bases upon which to build the curriculum , foundation of the existence of the school is the community's desire to prepare individuals good for him, school is a social institution created by the community to prepare the individual good for this community , and as the goals of education is derived from the philosophy of the community , the school curriculum , and the teachers and everyone who works on school work to achieve these educational goals .Therefore, the role of the teacher is taught by linking to his students as there are in society , any employment of what these students are learning the information , skills and experience in their social lives .8 - along with preservation of Islamic culture with access to global knowledge :To the teacher this role , you must distinguish between the two methods in education , education in order to maintain what exists (Maintenance Instruction), and education for renewal (Innovative Instruction), Education conservative important and indispensable , but it is no longer enough , and became Education for renewal and look to the future a vital requirement if it is to the people of this age will face what his future holds challenges and burdens and afford the rapid changes of surprises .And withstand these challenges requires adherence to Islamic culture, creed , language and values ??and morals and achievement , and to invite the Muslim Ummah to read Islam correctly read through the principles inherent and eternal values ??, and update the Islamic culture and the link between them and the issues of the day and to maintain the privacy of identity with the utilization of the knowledge global useful and coexist with multiculturalism within this global village is the duty of education done by the teacher who must instill in his students adhere to the Islamic culture and pride in the cultural heritage and social development of the Islamic nation , and respect for other cultures , and that Aaudhm self-confidence and accept the opinions of others , and the budget deal and the transaction between the elements of the internal influence and elements and the introduction of external influence and the best is beneficial .9 - along with care in the methods of evaluation :Calendar process is indispensable in teaching , it aims to make a judgment on the academic achievement of the student and managed to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses in the learning process , and thus help to make the appropriate decisions on amending the plan of study or teaching methods , and so decisions. Has been adopted and the Ministry of Education this year continuous assessment in the upper grades of elementary school to continue with the student and is based on several methods in Calendar need to be a teacher skilled in the methods and tools , methods and taking into account the individual differences among his disciples and educational conditions and can analyze the results and then employ the results of the analysis in the construction activities therapeutic .10 - along with non- classroom activity :The activity is the classroom a major part in the educational process , as it helps build the student's personality and develop psychologically , socially and scientifically , technically and physically , is also a mainstay in modern education is a way to enrich the curriculum through the management students of the components of their environment in order to give the expertise knowledge and skills and values ??in a manner directly , as well as strengthening the aspects of the educational studied by students in theory courses and translated into actions and behavior , which requires giving activity is classroom appropriate attention from planning, implementation, and evaluation of all those involved in education , including the teacher , who is the main role in this area .11 - along with the consolidation of patriotism and belonging to the students :Patriotism and a sense of belonging and loyalty to him and to fulfill the rights of the most important values ??that broadcasts in students and entrenched in them since childhood . Teacher and a great role in the consolidation of patriotism and belonging to the students , where are grown in them feelings of love and loyalty to this country , and urging them to be careful and defend it against every aggressor Ethan .12 - Teacher's farewell to the faith in God Almighty :Means faith in God firm belief that God is the Almighty Creator of all things , and it is the Almighty who deserves alone that worships perfection of worship , and the teacher to develop in students the belief in God Almighty alone is not a partner and develop also in them the love of the Messenger Prophet Muhammad Allah peace be upon him God has commanded us to do so and be love to follow what it says to stay away from God and what He has forbidden.If settled in the heart of this faith pupil , who was armed with his gun in the face of conflicts of life : ( Say will not happen to us except what God is our God and Maulana Fletokl believers ) ( Repentance , No 51) .
It also freed the pupil of the tendencies of self and Bibliography demons and temptations of this world . Grows inside conscience which makes it quite believe that God is with him at all times and anywhere , and this emphasizes the need for attention to the spiritual and faith of learners and instill positive values ??they have, if what KUNA young believer in God , stick to religion and adopting the role required him to build his homeland and nation , easy avoided many of the social ills , so the development of this faith and instill values ??is part of the most important aspects of the teacher's performance , because a society without values ??Kzra unfruitful.13 - farewell to teacher tolerance :One of the goals of education in the Kingdom aiming at the formation individuals believers to live in a society believer does not treatment among its members on the culpability and accountability , and the victory of the self and fairness in all big and small , but it is a transaction between individuals on tolerance and condoning and forgiveness and patience. This is called the doctrine of Islam , and urged upon the Qur'an in the verse: ( not equated good nor bad Repel is better if that between you and him the enmity of like a guardian intimate { 34 } and meted out only those who are patient and meted out only with great luck ) ( Surat separated , verses 34-35 ) .And the language of tolerance must be learned by the student from childhood until Jasper on tolerance and respect for others . If the family played a major role in this field , the role of the school is not as important as the role of the family , and here comes the role of the teacher in the development of the value of tolerance among students.14 - Teacher's farewell to peace :Peace an important place in Islam , and in the balance of education is indispensable in trying to achieve the values ??of peace , freedom and social justice, and the hope for a more harmonious development of humanity and depth to the exclusion of the specter of war and tensions and bring peace instead.The teacher role models and Kdai peace to feel his students safe , love and appreciation for themselves and others , and reminds them that peace in the power needed protected , and without this force could turn to surrender has commanded our religion to be people of peace , he said the Almighty God : ( And if they incline to peace , incline and trust in God ) ( Al-Anfal , from verse 61)As commanded by the Almighty to prepare for war, all we can of power , the Almighty said : (and prepared them all you can of power, including steeds terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy ) ( Al-Anfal , from verse 60 . (This is part of the force that must be prepared to , in addition to the personal power and the power of faith and the power of social cohesion : ( Hold on to God and be not divided among yourselves ) ( Surah Al-Imran , verse 103 . (15 - Teacher's farewell to the work :Work is human life human being without a job is not the life for him, and I have ordered the Almighty God to work in the verse ( say work soon will Allah observe your work and His Messenger and the believers ) ( Sura , verse 105 ) .And a century of God Almighty between faith and work in many verses of the Quran , where the Almighty says ( those who believe and do good deeds ) ( Sura , verse 30) .Roy and that Saad bin Maaz - may Allah be pleased with him - it was Yoweri his hands on his clothes whenever met with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said the Prophet to him: O Saad not want to hand over Ali ? Saad said : By Allah, O Messenger of Allah , there is nothing dearer to me than that , but I fear that my hands hurt your hands , said to him, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : Show me your hands , O Saad , Saad , waving Kevin Khcnin Kkhva beast of too much work . Verwahma Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him before them to his mouth and said : "This is the hand he loves Allah and His Messenger will never fire affecting them ." And here comes the role of the teacher in achieving the call to action , and the consolidation of its value and its importance in the hearts of his students .16 - Besides teaching students the language of dialogue :Is to teach students how to dialogue with other important aspects of the role of the teacher where trains students to use words that allow communion with the ideas of others , through the use of teaching methods different Kaltalm Cooperative and others, and we mean these words are likely , it is possible , it seems that , perhaps , Do you have a different opinion ... Etc. , and also teaches his students not to be Ahaddei vision, so students learn by behaviorally important in their lives .The development of professional competence necessary for the performance aspects of the role of the teacher :To the teacher aspects of previous roles efficiently and effectively must be enjoyed with sufficient capacity and skills of educational or professional , which represents the utmost importance to the effectiveness of teaching and raise the efficiency of the performance of the teacher role assigned to it fully .General characteristics for the development of competencies teacher performance :We have characterized the performance of the teacher development programs based on the core competencies of the following characteristics :
Educational goals predetermined and known to all participants in the program.
The organization of what is intended to learn on the basis of consecutive elements and connected to each other.
Accurately define what is meant learned with respect to each element .
Converting the responsibility of learning from the teacher to the learner , are learning on the basis of the speed of the learner himself and his needs , and interests .
Participation of teachers in determining the competencies to be rehearsed .
The use of educational technology integration of the idea and practice in the field of education .
Provide the learner the feedback during the learning process .
Criteria for evaluating the skills and clear , and determine levels of proficiency assessments and information to the instructor and the trainee in advance .
Calendar depends on the teacher competences calendar her performance as a criterion for his mastery of the adequacy taking into account the theoretical knowledge he has .
Calendar depends on the teacher training program to become proficient enough in a behavioral phenomenon, not restricted to a timetable