Education benefits and constraints mail

The benefits of e-learning :
There is no doubt that

There is justification for this type of education is incalculable in this article , but we can say thatThe most important features and benefits of e-learning that it helps to develop visual thinking - DevelopmentPositive attitudes towards learning - a positive development tendencies of the students towards science - makes the processLearning easier - reduces the difficulties of linguistic communication between the student and the teacher .1 - increase the possibility of communication between the students among themselves , and between the students and the school : and soDuring the ease of communication between these parties in several directions , such as discussion boards , e-mailMail, chat rooms . The researchers believe that these things increase and stimulate students toParticipation and interaction with the topics2 - Contributing to the different viewpoints of students : Forums such as instant discussion boardsAnd chat rooms offer opportunities to exchange views on topics which increases the chances ofTake advantage of the views and proposals and incorporate them with the views which the studentHelps in the formation of a solid foundation when the learner and the knowledge he has composed and strong opinions and sound, and thatThrough the acquired knowledge and skills through chat rooms .3 - sense of equality : this feature to be more useful for students who feelFear and anxiety because this method of education makes students enjoy more boldly inExpress their ideas and the search for more facts than they would in a traditional classroomThis type of education allows a full opportunity for all students because he can send his mindAnd his voice through the communication tools available from e-mail and discussion boards and chat rooms .
4 - Easy access to the teacher : enabled e-learning great ease of access toThe teacher as soon as outside official working hours ,

Because he can become a traineeThat sends queries to the teacher via e-mail5 - The possibility ofModulating method of teaching : it is possible to receive the scientific material that fit the way studentsSome of the visual method suit them , and their proportionality way audio or read ,Some of them fit with the way the process, e- Education and sources allowApplication sources and many different ways to allow the modification in accordance with the method best forLearner .6 - relevance of various teaching methods : e-learning allows the learner to focus onImportant ideas during the writing and assembled for a lecture or lesson , and also allows students whoSuffer from difficulty concentrating , organizing tasks to take advantage of the material and that they be arrangedAnd coordinated manner easy and good and important elements of the specific7 - HelpAdditional redundancy : This additional feature for those who are learning the way the processThose who are in education through training , if they wanted to express their thoughtsThey put them in certain sentences , which means that they are re- trained to repeat information thatIt does so also when students are preparing for a particular exam .8 - provides the curriculum throughout the day and every day of the week : This feature is useful for peopleAlm'zajian or who wish to Education at a certain time , because some of them prefer to learnThe other morning and evening , as well as for those who bear the burdens and responsibilities of personal , this featureAllows all learn in time that suits them .9 - continuity in access to the curriculum : This feature makes the student in the case of stabilitySo that he could get the information in his own time , not linked to the prayer openAnd the closure of the library, which leads to comfort the student and not his weary .10 - Do not rely on actual attendance : it is no longer necessary to commit to a specific timetableThe binding because modern technology has provided ways to communicate without the need to be in place and timeCertain ..

Obstacles to e-learning : _

Facing e-learningDifficulties may extinguish its luster and impede its spread quickly and the main obstacles are the cause of the criteria adopted. If we look at some of the curricula and courses in universities or schools , we findThey need to make adjustments and updates as a result of many different developments each year , but eachSometimes a month where e-learning is still suffering from a lack of clarity in regulations and roadsAnd methods in which education is clearly also not decide on the issue of incentivesEncouragement for the learning environment is one of the obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of e-learning , althoughOf attacks on major sites on the Internet , has affected teachers and educators and developedIn the minds of many questions about the impact on e-learning in the future.

Among the most important of these obstacles include: _The need for a solid infrastructure in terms of availability and reliability of the hardware and connection speedInternet - the need for a specialized management systems, e-learning - the difficultyAccess to educational programs in Arabic - the inability of the teacher to useTechnology - digital filter - the loss of the human factor in education - regulations and incentivesCompensatory - Privacy and confidentiality - the high cost of the primary . - Calendar difficulty - the development of standards

Ways to overcome obstaclesE-Learning1 - the response of the students with the new style and their interaction with him .2 - methods of monitoring the integration of classroom education with immediate and making sure that the curriculum is going according to the plan set for it .3 - an increased focus on the teacher and notified his personality and its importance for the educational institution and make sure he did not feel important and not something that has become a traditional heritage .4 members of the community aware of this kind of education and not to stand the negative thereof .5 provides a wide area of ??the electromagnetic space and expand the area of wireless communication .6 continuing need for training and support of learners and administrators at all levels , asThis type of education needs to be ongoing training in accordance with the renewed technical ..7 need to train learners how education using the Internet.8 need to disseminate the contents of the high level of quality , so that competition is global.9 edit all the old rules that impede innovation and the development of new ways to promote innovation inEvery place and time to provide education and to demonstrate the efficiency and dexterity .