First: the uses of the Internet in Education :
Anyone who has followed the continuous change in technology renovation strength and speed computer can realize that what was yesterday near the best technology and the most common performance has become limited , or perhaps become irrelevant analogy this significant acceleration , and sometimes frightening
The Internet is a technology that can be used in public education in general.
And the Internet is a huge network of computers linked to each other and around the world
Internet will play a major role in changing the way educational accepted at the present time , especially in the stages of university and higher education . Through interactive video (Interactive Multimedia) will not need a university professor in the future that stands in front of the students to give his lecture , and does not require the student to go to university , but will be resolved the way distance education (Distance Learning) by a teacher a letter and thus provide the student the trouble to come to the university
Some researchers in this area that this method of electronic education is limited only to the curriculum, which is dominated on the content of the methods demos and nature imaginary , but real that this method can be adapted for each academic departments , then this technique educational future will be suitable for some developing countries that lack the global quantity and quality of teachers in the cadres .
There are four principal reasons why we use the internet in education , namely:
1 . Internet concrete example of the ability to access information from around the world .
2 . Help on the Internet collaborative learning teamwork, due to the large number of information available online , it is difficult for student research in all the menus so you can use the method of teamwork among students , where each student research in a specific list then meet students to discuss what has been reached .
3 . Internet helps to connect to the world as soon as possible and at the lowest cost .
4 . Internet helps to provide more in the way of teaching so that the Internet serves as a large library where all the books are available , whether easy or difficult . It is also found in some online educational programs for different levels.
Here it should be noted that the future impact of the Internet and intranet on education will include a positive dimension is reflected directly on the areas of education for Muslim women , which will spare her the trouble of movement within and outside their community , and at the same time will provide them with the widest variety in the different fields of science .
The use of the Internet as an essential tool in education has a lot of positives following :
1 . Flexibility in time and place .
2 . Access to a greater number of followers and the public in a different world.
3 . Not to consider the need to match the computer hardware and operating systems used by viewers with the devices used in the transmission.
4 . Compared to the speed of software development systems and video compact discs (CD-Rom).
5 . Ease of development of the existing curriculum content online .
6 . Lack of material cost compared to using satellite television and radio stations .
7 . Changing systems and traditional teaching methods help create separation is full of vigor and vitality .
8 . Given the global nature of education and out of the local context .
9 . Speed ??Education In other words, the time allotted to search for a particular topic using the Internet will be a little compared to traditional methods .
10 . Obtaining the views of scientists , thinkers and researchers who specialize in various fields in any scientific issue .
11 . The speed of access to information.
12 . Professor function in the classroom and serve as the wave guide and not the caster and the teleprompter .
13 . Help students to form international relationships , so to speak .
14 . Without creating separation wall (Classroom without Walls).
15 . Develop the skills of students to use the computer .
16 . Non-compliance with hours of study where they can put the scientific material online and students can get them anywhere, any time.
Second: the uses of e-mail (Electronic Mail) in education.
Email (Electronic Mail) is the exchange of messages and documents using the computer .
And e-mail of the most widely used Internet services , and that is due to its ease of use .
The E-mail is the best alternative for modern messages and mailing paper fax machines . To send e-mail must know the address of the consignee , and this title is made up of self- identity of the user , followed by signal @ followed by the location of a computer consignee .
The education students to use e-mail the first step in the use of the Internet in education.
The most e-mail applications in education are:
1 . Use e-mail (Electronic Mail) as an intermediary between the teacher and the student to send messages to all students , sending all the required paperwork in the material , sending homework, responding to inquiries .
2 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for delivery homework where the professor corrects the answer then send them back to the student , and in this work provide for paper and time and effort , which can be delivered homework at night or during the day without the need to interview Professor .
3 . Use e-mail as a means of communication specialists from various countries around the world and take advantage of their expertise and research in various fields.
4 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for communication between the faculty and the school or administrative affairs .
5 . E-mail helps students to communicate with specialists at any place and at the lowest cost saving of time and effort to take advantage of them , whether in the liberation of messages or in special studies or in consulting.
6 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for communication between Saudi universities
7 . Use e-mail as a means of communication between the administrative affairs of the ministry , students and sending circulars and important papers and ads for students.
8 . You can also use e-mail as a means to send circulars and regulations and new systems for faculty members and others.
Wholesale and those are some of the applications in the present time of the e-mail service to education in Saudi Arabia , but no doubt that the use of other uses will generate more and more of the above.
Finally, as noted above, the e-mail (Electronic Mail) is one of the most popular Internet services and use it to see the following things :
1 . Speed ??the arrival of the message, where you can send a message to anywhere in the world within moments .
2 . To read the message - from the user - usually take place at a time has maneuvered himself to read and respond to them .
3 . There is no intermediary between the sender and the receiver ( the abolition of all administrative barriers ) .
4 . Low cost to send.
5 . Is transmitting and receiving a reply within a short period of time.
6 . Additional files can be linked to an e-mail .
7 . Beneficiary can receive the message in his own time .
8 . Beneficiary can send several messages to different destinations at the same time .
Third: the uses of mailing lists (Mailing List) in education.
Mailing lists known simply as the list (list) is composed of mailing addresses typically contain a mailing address and one that converts all messages sent to him each title in the list. In other words , the so-called postal regulations ( electronic discussion group ) is a list of email addresses and can subscribe to ( or join ) Regulation Order is through the application of the official named by the Director of Regulations . Although there are some regulations are working as a group to discuss the others are used primarily as a means of distributing information . Foundation , for example, may be used for a volunteer mailing list is to publish its monthly magazine . There is also a public mailing lists and other private
It should be noted that there are two types of regulations or lists , there are lists of modified (Moderated mailing List) This means that any article sends presents to someone called (Moderator) The access to the article to make sure that the subject matter appropriate to the nature of the list and then copies and circulate those articles appropriate , the lists unadjusted (Unmoderated) , the transmitted message is sent to all users without regard to their content
And lists the public to discuss a number of topics Whatever your interest you will find who shares this interest in the world , and no one can account for all mailing lists in the world because some of them unspoken but originally estimated that there are more than 25,000 list discussed a number of topics .
The service mailing lists (Mailing List) one of the important communication services in the Internet, but many people fail - in knowing employment of this service in all areas of public life . Hence it can be said that the employment of this service in education helps to support the educational process , and the most important areas of application include:
1 . The establishment of a list of students per class ( Division ) as a mediator for the dialogue , including through the use of this service can collect all students enrolled in a substance under this group for the exchange of views and opinions .
2 . For university professor can develops its own list includes the names of students and their addresses so they can send homework and material requirements through that list, and this will help to remove some of the barriers of communication between the teacher and his students , especially female students .
3 . Guide students and teachers to enroll in the global scientific menus (depending on specialty ) to take advantage of new knowledge and specialists , as well as take advantage of their expertise and the question of what confused them.
4 . User can establish private schools and students in all universities and colleges Kingdom registered a particular substance in order to interact with each other for the exchange of scientific expertise .
5 . Establishing lists of teachers in the Kingdom by interest ( Science legitimacy , Arab science , mathematics ... etc. ) in order to exchange views on serving the educational process .
6 . As well as academic departments can you establish a list of faculty members belonging to the department to contact them at the lowest cost to remember.
7 . Contact every accused should enjoy the same specialization where students can contact colleagues or professors them from around the world who share their interest in specific topics to discuss the new and the exchange of experiences and of course this is by using the menu system (Mailing List).
8 . Formation of mailing lists for male and female students in all schools , universities and colleges Saudi Arabia interested in the affairs of a particular example, there could be Association is interested in education , and another society interested in engineering science and a third was interested in medicine and fourth in the cutting and sewing ... Thus, this service provides an opportunity for students to exchange views with their peers who are interested in the same area in the Kingdom regardless of location .
9 . Bind (D behind , agents , deans , department heads ) in schools and Ministry of Knowledge , for example, which is the current practice in some departments in the lists of specialized exchange views on the development of the educational process , I mean the list of private managers and the same for the deans and so on.
10 . Some applications of this system of public mailing lists and said it does not count for only a few and there are other applications specific to certain sections , then there are other applications that will see the light in the near future .
Fourth: The system uses newsgroups (News groups, Usenet, Net news) in education.
The network Alakharriet a more popular uses of the Internet
1 . And this service can be defined as all the places where people meet to exchange views and ideas or suspend public announcements or research assistance. It should be noted that there are thousands of newsgroups , each one focusing on a particular topic . The estimated number of these groups with more than 16,000 group .
The disadvantages of newsgroups are that it is not real-time or as straightforward as it is far from privacy, as it does not rely on the pictures . When talking about newsgroups may come to mind that it is the same as mailing lists , but this is not true
These are some of the differences :
1 . Newsgroups that you need a program (software) called a news reader .
2 . If you want to read newsgroups should go to the same group in the mailing lists the message comes to your e-mail automatically .
3 . You can use the direct dialogue (Chat Room) in the newsgroups in the mailing lists , it is impossible .
4 . When using newsgroups do not know how many people will read the message in the system of mailing lists , you know who will read the message almost .
5 . You can adjust the cluster system more than a mailing list to quote .
As for applications, newsgroups are similar to system applications mailing lists , and add to the above can be used in education, including the following:
2 . Registration of teachers and students in the newsgroups specialized international specialists to benefit from each according to his specialty .
4 . The development of public forums for education students to exchange views and offer ways of cooperation and benefit them in order to achieve development.
6 . Since the newsgroups using chat rooms (Chat Rooms) it can make a connection between what students separated with a specialist at the global level to take advantage of them at the same time .
8 . It also can be made using the system dialogue groups between students of King Abdulaziz secondary and secondary Mahmud of Ghazni , for example, on a particular topic , especially if scheduled similar .
Wholesale Vtad newsgroups are excellent sources of information they provide assistance in the areas of scientific Kalkimia and information technology , aviation, history , and provide assistance in other areas , and could be a source of live interviews and a chance to meet different people have shared interests.
Fifth: the uses of chat programs (Internet Relay Chat) in education.
Conversation on the Internet (IRC) is a system of employer can talk with other users in real time (Real time). The definition is the last program is a fictional station in the Internet user community from around the world to talk writing and voice , for example, can students at King Saud University and King Fahd University conduct a meeting with the students of Harvard University in America , for example, the debate in the scientific question . It is also possible to see the image through the use of video such as his command . The use of this service you need to use a specific program , such as program (CUSeeMe) or other similar programs .
It should also be noted that anyone can participate in any channel within several hundreds of open channels , which can be converted into a special channel that can be used for a certain number of people.
And is considered by many researchers that this service comes in the second phase of use , where the large number of e-mail and after that to see the following features :
1 . Service (IRC) provides access to all persons in all parts of the world at the time of Annie as it can be used as a low-cost conferences .
2 . The possibility of formation of the channel and make it special for a limited number of specific students and teachers .
3 . It is a source of information sources from around the world .
The importance of the use of this service in education are too many of them that a lot of college students are using (IRC) alternative to make external calls , because when you are connected to the Internet , it becomes (IRC) for free . The bulk of the most important applications (IRC) in education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as follows:
1 . Use the system as a means of conversation meetings using audio and image among members of a single article no matter how far the distances between them in the world using the system (Multi-user Object Oriented) or (Internet Relay Chat).
2 . Lectures broadcast from the headquarters of the university or the ministry , for example, to anywhere in the world or around the Kingdom ( other universities , branch , department students ... etc. ) can be transferred any facts lecture on the air directly without the cost of recalls.
3 . Transfer lectures task Honourable Ministers and directors of universities of the world , or at the local level without the cost of recalls.
4 . Use this service in distance education (Distance Learning) and where education is facing a crisis at the present time , the acceptance of the use of this service transfer from classroom lectures for all students , and the student can listen to a lecture in his house, and inexpensively .
5 . This service can be used to host the world or a professor from anywhere in the world to lecture on university students at the same time and at low cost .
6 . Use this service as a solution to the problem of shortage of teachers for example, if the Department of Physics at the University of Qassim , King Saud shortage students can register and receive the same decision of the Arab League headquarters in Riyadh and the basic table is arranged between the two sections .
7 . 14 . Use this service for meetings between the ( managers , supervisors ... ) in the Kingdom for the exchange of views with investigating the development of the educational process , and , of course, without having to travel to the meeting place .
8 . Hold scientific sessions via the Internet, in other words, can a student or a teacher of public education or any individual follow up this session in a house and then can obtain a certificate at the end of the session.
9 . Meetings using video where students can hold meetings with their colleagues from around the world to discuss certain topics or to discuss a book or a new idea in the field, or discuss the results of a search and exchange views with each other .
10 . Use this service to display some scientific experiments such as medical operations , as well as scientific experiments , for example, when conducting an experiment in the chemistry department at King Fahd University can be transferred to the students of King Saud University, and especially if the experience was expensive , as this is up to the largest possible number of beneficiaries of this experiment.
Indeed, the applications use the chat service in education are innumerable and mention is the tip of the iceberg , which can be used , but I doubt that the use of this service in education as possible to spread his independent research , but the study of the use of distance learning Distance learning is one of the most important needs in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia to confront the problem of the increasing number of students .
Sixth: The barriers to the use of the Internet in education.
The follower of this technique finds that the Internet , like any other modern means have some drawbacks , these barriers are either material or human . Then the follower of the obstacles faced by other countries finds that there is compatibility with the current reality of higher education in Saudi Arabia . The most important barriers are:
First, the material cost :
Material cost need to provide this service in the establishment phase one of the main causes of non-use of the Internet in education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . The establishment of this network of phone lines needed certain specifications , and certain computers . Due to the development of software and hardware , this adds another burden on universities. There is no doubt that some universities can not provide this in a few years and then the pursuit of development is an essential requirement of the demands of the century, but this has to be considered to this into consideration when incorporation.
Second, the technical problems :
Interruptions during the search and browsing and sending messages for some reason or other technical problem faced by universities at the present time , forcing the user to refer back to the network may lose data by . In most cases, it is difficult to access the network or refer to the search sites , which he leafed through it.
Third, teachers trends towards the use of technology:
Not financial or technical barriers are the main reason of the use of technology , but the human element has a big role in that
As for the reasons for the reluctance of some members of the faculty is to see the lack of awareness of the importance of this technology first , and the inability to use a second , and do not use the computer Third . The solution is the need to develop training programs for teachers , especially how to use computers in general and the first use of the Internet to the point of particular Secondly , and how to use this technique in Education III .
Fourth: Language:
Because most of the research started in the Internet in English , therefore, to take full advantage of this network will go from proficient they are few in Saudi universities . Hence it can be said to be reconsidered in the following:
1 . Rehabilitation of university professors in the field of language.
2 . The need to build databases in Arabic in order for researchers to take advantage of that network.
Fifth: access to prohibited places :
The security of intellectual and moral , social and political of the most important principles that emphasize the educational institutions of all levels of education , but that the goals of the schools to provide this protection foregoing . Because participation in the Internet is not confined to a particular class , educated and informed to use, so it is the most important barriers to the use of this network is the access to some sites , which calls either to the underworld and the rejection of values ??and religion, morality or she calls for rebellion and disobedience to the rulers of the Muslims and their scholars and Mha?khhm , and all this under the name of liberation and development and the rejection of religion and freedom of opinion to other false slogans . To reduce this has some educational institutions set up special programs or what some call the barrier protection (Firewall) is blocking access to those sites . But the truth is difficult to limit these sites damaged but awareness of these sites is the result of effective .
Sixth: the large number of tools ( centers ) Search (Search Engines)
Problems or obstacles that stand in front of Internet users is the large number of research tools or as some call centers, research and most important of which Yahoo, Lycos, Alta-Vista, Excite, Infoseek, ..... WebCrawler
The real question is what is the best way to search the Internet ? The answer to this question is not difficult and not easy at the same time . The search on the Internet is a great research library , some even called the Internet " the Great Library ."
For this reason - breadth of the Internet - when you search on the Internet must do the following :
3 . The need to define the word (s ) in basic research.
4 . Select Art ( Science , meeting ... etc) which will look in it.
5 . Select the center or website (Search Engine) , which will look in it.
It should be noted that some of the research tools began to specialize little by little, I mean that some sites , such as Infoseek focused on GIS and atlases and other , or at least focused on the Yahoo has focused on educational matters and so on. Expect some researchers in this network specialize in Internet growth in the near future .
Anyone who has followed the continuous change in technology renovation strength and speed computer can realize that what was yesterday near the best technology and the most common performance has become limited , or perhaps become irrelevant analogy this significant acceleration , and sometimes frightening
The Internet is a technology that can be used in public education in general.
And the Internet is a huge network of computers linked to each other and around the world
Internet will play a major role in changing the way educational accepted at the present time , especially in the stages of university and higher education . Through interactive video (Interactive Multimedia) will not need a university professor in the future that stands in front of the students to give his lecture , and does not require the student to go to university , but will be resolved the way distance education (Distance Learning) by a teacher a letter and thus provide the student the trouble to come to the university
Some researchers in this area that this method of electronic education is limited only to the curriculum, which is dominated on the content of the methods demos and nature imaginary , but real that this method can be adapted for each academic departments , then this technique educational future will be suitable for some developing countries that lack the global quantity and quality of teachers in the cadres .
There are four principal reasons why we use the internet in education , namely:
1 . Internet concrete example of the ability to access information from around the world .
2 . Help on the Internet collaborative learning teamwork, due to the large number of information available online , it is difficult for student research in all the menus so you can use the method of teamwork among students , where each student research in a specific list then meet students to discuss what has been reached .
3 . Internet helps to connect to the world as soon as possible and at the lowest cost .
4 . Internet helps to provide more in the way of teaching so that the Internet serves as a large library where all the books are available , whether easy or difficult . It is also found in some online educational programs for different levels.
Here it should be noted that the future impact of the Internet and intranet on education will include a positive dimension is reflected directly on the areas of education for Muslim women , which will spare her the trouble of movement within and outside their community , and at the same time will provide them with the widest variety in the different fields of science .
The use of the Internet as an essential tool in education has a lot of positives following :
1 . Flexibility in time and place .
2 . Access to a greater number of followers and the public in a different world.
3 . Not to consider the need to match the computer hardware and operating systems used by viewers with the devices used in the transmission.
4 . Compared to the speed of software development systems and video compact discs (CD-Rom).
5 . Ease of development of the existing curriculum content online .
6 . Lack of material cost compared to using satellite television and radio stations .
7 . Changing systems and traditional teaching methods help create separation is full of vigor and vitality .
8 . Given the global nature of education and out of the local context .
9 . Speed ??Education In other words, the time allotted to search for a particular topic using the Internet will be a little compared to traditional methods .
10 . Obtaining the views of scientists , thinkers and researchers who specialize in various fields in any scientific issue .
11 . The speed of access to information.
12 . Professor function in the classroom and serve as the wave guide and not the caster and the teleprompter .
13 . Help students to form international relationships , so to speak .
14 . Without creating separation wall (Classroom without Walls).
15 . Develop the skills of students to use the computer .
16 . Non-compliance with hours of study where they can put the scientific material online and students can get them anywhere, any time.
Second: the uses of e-mail (Electronic Mail) in education.
Email (Electronic Mail) is the exchange of messages and documents using the computer .
And e-mail of the most widely used Internet services , and that is due to its ease of use .
The E-mail is the best alternative for modern messages and mailing paper fax machines . To send e-mail must know the address of the consignee , and this title is made up of self- identity of the user , followed by signal @ followed by the location of a computer consignee .
The education students to use e-mail the first step in the use of the Internet in education.
The most e-mail applications in education are:
1 . Use e-mail (Electronic Mail) as an intermediary between the teacher and the student to send messages to all students , sending all the required paperwork in the material , sending homework, responding to inquiries .
2 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for delivery homework where the professor corrects the answer then send them back to the student , and in this work provide for paper and time and effort , which can be delivered homework at night or during the day without the need to interview Professor .
3 . Use e-mail as a means of communication specialists from various countries around the world and take advantage of their expertise and research in various fields.
4 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for communication between the faculty and the school or administrative affairs .
5 . E-mail helps students to communicate with specialists at any place and at the lowest cost saving of time and effort to take advantage of them , whether in the liberation of messages or in special studies or in consulting.
6 . Use e-mail as an intermediary for communication between Saudi universities
7 . Use e-mail as a means of communication between the administrative affairs of the ministry , students and sending circulars and important papers and ads for students.
8 . You can also use e-mail as a means to send circulars and regulations and new systems for faculty members and others.
Wholesale and those are some of the applications in the present time of the e-mail service to education in Saudi Arabia , but no doubt that the use of other uses will generate more and more of the above.
Finally, as noted above, the e-mail (Electronic Mail) is one of the most popular Internet services and use it to see the following things :
1 . Speed ??the arrival of the message, where you can send a message to anywhere in the world within moments .
2 . To read the message - from the user - usually take place at a time has maneuvered himself to read and respond to them .
3 . There is no intermediary between the sender and the receiver ( the abolition of all administrative barriers ) .
4 . Low cost to send.
5 . Is transmitting and receiving a reply within a short period of time.
6 . Additional files can be linked to an e-mail .
7 . Beneficiary can receive the message in his own time .
8 . Beneficiary can send several messages to different destinations at the same time .
Third: the uses of mailing lists (Mailing List) in education.
Mailing lists known simply as the list (list) is composed of mailing addresses typically contain a mailing address and one that converts all messages sent to him each title in the list. In other words , the so-called postal regulations ( electronic discussion group ) is a list of email addresses and can subscribe to ( or join ) Regulation Order is through the application of the official named by the Director of Regulations . Although there are some regulations are working as a group to discuss the others are used primarily as a means of distributing information . Foundation , for example, may be used for a volunteer mailing list is to publish its monthly magazine . There is also a public mailing lists and other private
It should be noted that there are two types of regulations or lists , there are lists of modified (Moderated mailing List) This means that any article sends presents to someone called (Moderator) The access to the article to make sure that the subject matter appropriate to the nature of the list and then copies and circulate those articles appropriate , the lists unadjusted (Unmoderated) , the transmitted message is sent to all users without regard to their content
And lists the public to discuss a number of topics Whatever your interest you will find who shares this interest in the world , and no one can account for all mailing lists in the world because some of them unspoken but originally estimated that there are more than 25,000 list discussed a number of topics .
The service mailing lists (Mailing List) one of the important communication services in the Internet, but many people fail - in knowing employment of this service in all areas of public life . Hence it can be said that the employment of this service in education helps to support the educational process , and the most important areas of application include:
1 . The establishment of a list of students per class ( Division ) as a mediator for the dialogue , including through the use of this service can collect all students enrolled in a substance under this group for the exchange of views and opinions .
2 . For university professor can develops its own list includes the names of students and their addresses so they can send homework and material requirements through that list, and this will help to remove some of the barriers of communication between the teacher and his students , especially female students .
3 . Guide students and teachers to enroll in the global scientific menus (depending on specialty ) to take advantage of new knowledge and specialists , as well as take advantage of their expertise and the question of what confused them.
4 . User can establish private schools and students in all universities and colleges Kingdom registered a particular substance in order to interact with each other for the exchange of scientific expertise .
5 . Establishing lists of teachers in the Kingdom by interest ( Science legitimacy , Arab science , mathematics ... etc. ) in order to exchange views on serving the educational process .
6 . As well as academic departments can you establish a list of faculty members belonging to the department to contact them at the lowest cost to remember.
7 . Contact every accused should enjoy the same specialization where students can contact colleagues or professors them from around the world who share their interest in specific topics to discuss the new and the exchange of experiences and of course this is by using the menu system (Mailing List).
8 . Formation of mailing lists for male and female students in all schools , universities and colleges Saudi Arabia interested in the affairs of a particular example, there could be Association is interested in education , and another society interested in engineering science and a third was interested in medicine and fourth in the cutting and sewing ... Thus, this service provides an opportunity for students to exchange views with their peers who are interested in the same area in the Kingdom regardless of location .
9 . Bind (D behind , agents , deans , department heads ) in schools and Ministry of Knowledge , for example, which is the current practice in some departments in the lists of specialized exchange views on the development of the educational process , I mean the list of private managers and the same for the deans and so on.
10 . Some applications of this system of public mailing lists and said it does not count for only a few and there are other applications specific to certain sections , then there are other applications that will see the light in the near future .
Fourth: The system uses newsgroups (News groups, Usenet, Net news) in education.
The network Alakharriet a more popular uses of the Internet
1 . And this service can be defined as all the places where people meet to exchange views and ideas or suspend public announcements or research assistance. It should be noted that there are thousands of newsgroups , each one focusing on a particular topic . The estimated number of these groups with more than 16,000 group .
The disadvantages of newsgroups are that it is not real-time or as straightforward as it is far from privacy, as it does not rely on the pictures . When talking about newsgroups may come to mind that it is the same as mailing lists , but this is not true
These are some of the differences :
1 . Newsgroups that you need a program (software) called a news reader .
2 . If you want to read newsgroups should go to the same group in the mailing lists the message comes to your e-mail automatically .
3 . You can use the direct dialogue (Chat Room) in the newsgroups in the mailing lists , it is impossible .
4 . When using newsgroups do not know how many people will read the message in the system of mailing lists , you know who will read the message almost .
5 . You can adjust the cluster system more than a mailing list to quote .
As for applications, newsgroups are similar to system applications mailing lists , and add to the above can be used in education, including the following:
2 . Registration of teachers and students in the newsgroups specialized international specialists to benefit from each according to his specialty .
4 . The development of public forums for education students to exchange views and offer ways of cooperation and benefit them in order to achieve development.
6 . Since the newsgroups using chat rooms (Chat Rooms) it can make a connection between what students separated with a specialist at the global level to take advantage of them at the same time .
8 . It also can be made using the system dialogue groups between students of King Abdulaziz secondary and secondary Mahmud of Ghazni , for example, on a particular topic , especially if scheduled similar .
Wholesale Vtad newsgroups are excellent sources of information they provide assistance in the areas of scientific Kalkimia and information technology , aviation, history , and provide assistance in other areas , and could be a source of live interviews and a chance to meet different people have shared interests.
Fifth: the uses of chat programs (Internet Relay Chat) in education.
Conversation on the Internet (IRC) is a system of employer can talk with other users in real time (Real time). The definition is the last program is a fictional station in the Internet user community from around the world to talk writing and voice , for example, can students at King Saud University and King Fahd University conduct a meeting with the students of Harvard University in America , for example, the debate in the scientific question . It is also possible to see the image through the use of video such as his command . The use of this service you need to use a specific program , such as program (CUSeeMe) or other similar programs .
It should also be noted that anyone can participate in any channel within several hundreds of open channels , which can be converted into a special channel that can be used for a certain number of people.
And is considered by many researchers that this service comes in the second phase of use , where the large number of e-mail and after that to see the following features :
1 . Service (IRC) provides access to all persons in all parts of the world at the time of Annie as it can be used as a low-cost conferences .
2 . The possibility of formation of the channel and make it special for a limited number of specific students and teachers .
3 . It is a source of information sources from around the world .
The importance of the use of this service in education are too many of them that a lot of college students are using (IRC) alternative to make external calls , because when you are connected to the Internet , it becomes (IRC) for free . The bulk of the most important applications (IRC) in education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as follows:
1 . Use the system as a means of conversation meetings using audio and image among members of a single article no matter how far the distances between them in the world using the system (Multi-user Object Oriented) or (Internet Relay Chat).
2 . Lectures broadcast from the headquarters of the university or the ministry , for example, to anywhere in the world or around the Kingdom ( other universities , branch , department students ... etc. ) can be transferred any facts lecture on the air directly without the cost of recalls.
3 . Transfer lectures task Honourable Ministers and directors of universities of the world , or at the local level without the cost of recalls.
4 . Use this service in distance education (Distance Learning) and where education is facing a crisis at the present time , the acceptance of the use of this service transfer from classroom lectures for all students , and the student can listen to a lecture in his house, and inexpensively .
5 . This service can be used to host the world or a professor from anywhere in the world to lecture on university students at the same time and at low cost .
6 . Use this service as a solution to the problem of shortage of teachers for example, if the Department of Physics at the University of Qassim , King Saud shortage students can register and receive the same decision of the Arab League headquarters in Riyadh and the basic table is arranged between the two sections .
7 . 14 . Use this service for meetings between the ( managers , supervisors ... ) in the Kingdom for the exchange of views with investigating the development of the educational process , and , of course, without having to travel to the meeting place .
8 . Hold scientific sessions via the Internet, in other words, can a student or a teacher of public education or any individual follow up this session in a house and then can obtain a certificate at the end of the session.
9 . Meetings using video where students can hold meetings with their colleagues from around the world to discuss certain topics or to discuss a book or a new idea in the field, or discuss the results of a search and exchange views with each other .
10 . Use this service to display some scientific experiments such as medical operations , as well as scientific experiments , for example, when conducting an experiment in the chemistry department at King Fahd University can be transferred to the students of King Saud University, and especially if the experience was expensive , as this is up to the largest possible number of beneficiaries of this experiment.
Indeed, the applications use the chat service in education are innumerable and mention is the tip of the iceberg , which can be used , but I doubt that the use of this service in education as possible to spread his independent research , but the study of the use of distance learning Distance learning is one of the most important needs in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia to confront the problem of the increasing number of students .
Sixth: The barriers to the use of the Internet in education.
The follower of this technique finds that the Internet , like any other modern means have some drawbacks , these barriers are either material or human . Then the follower of the obstacles faced by other countries finds that there is compatibility with the current reality of higher education in Saudi Arabia . The most important barriers are:
First, the material cost :
Material cost need to provide this service in the establishment phase one of the main causes of non-use of the Internet in education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia . The establishment of this network of phone lines needed certain specifications , and certain computers . Due to the development of software and hardware , this adds another burden on universities. There is no doubt that some universities can not provide this in a few years and then the pursuit of development is an essential requirement of the demands of the century, but this has to be considered to this into consideration when incorporation.
Second, the technical problems :
Interruptions during the search and browsing and sending messages for some reason or other technical problem faced by universities at the present time , forcing the user to refer back to the network may lose data by . In most cases, it is difficult to access the network or refer to the search sites , which he leafed through it.
Third, teachers trends towards the use of technology:
Not financial or technical barriers are the main reason of the use of technology , but the human element has a big role in that
As for the reasons for the reluctance of some members of the faculty is to see the lack of awareness of the importance of this technology first , and the inability to use a second , and do not use the computer Third . The solution is the need to develop training programs for teachers , especially how to use computers in general and the first use of the Internet to the point of particular Secondly , and how to use this technique in Education III .
Fourth: Language:
Because most of the research started in the Internet in English , therefore, to take full advantage of this network will go from proficient they are few in Saudi universities . Hence it can be said to be reconsidered in the following:
1 . Rehabilitation of university professors in the field of language.
2 . The need to build databases in Arabic in order for researchers to take advantage of that network.
Fifth: access to prohibited places :
The security of intellectual and moral , social and political of the most important principles that emphasize the educational institutions of all levels of education , but that the goals of the schools to provide this protection foregoing . Because participation in the Internet is not confined to a particular class , educated and informed to use, so it is the most important barriers to the use of this network is the access to some sites , which calls either to the underworld and the rejection of values ??and religion, morality or she calls for rebellion and disobedience to the rulers of the Muslims and their scholars and Mha?khhm , and all this under the name of liberation and development and the rejection of religion and freedom of opinion to other false slogans . To reduce this has some educational institutions set up special programs or what some call the barrier protection (Firewall) is blocking access to those sites . But the truth is difficult to limit these sites damaged but awareness of these sites is the result of effective .
Sixth: the large number of tools ( centers ) Search (Search Engines)
Problems or obstacles that stand in front of Internet users is the large number of research tools or as some call centers, research and most important of which Yahoo, Lycos, Alta-Vista, Excite, Infoseek, ..... WebCrawler
The real question is what is the best way to search the Internet ? The answer to this question is not difficult and not easy at the same time . The search on the Internet is a great research library , some even called the Internet " the Great Library ."
For this reason - breadth of the Internet - when you search on the Internet must do the following :
3 . The need to define the word (s ) in basic research.
4 . Select Art ( Science , meeting ... etc) which will look in it.
5 . Select the center or website (Search Engine) , which will look in it.
It should be noted that some of the research tools began to specialize little by little, I mean that some sites , such as Infoseek focused on GIS and atlases and other , or at least focused on the Yahoo has focused on educational matters and so on. Expect some researchers in this network specialize in Internet growth in the near future .
It should also be noted that there are modern programs are searching in more than one tool at once , and often combines 10-20 tool only once each .
Sixth: accuracy and candor :
Researchers and users of the network to investigate the accuracy and candor , and judgment on the existing before its adoption in the search. Because there are unknown websites or at least suspicious.
Sixth: accuracy and candor :
Researchers and users of the network to investigate the accuracy and candor , and judgment on the existing before its adoption in the search. Because there are unknown websites or at least suspicious.